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2:00 pm

Trademarks: controversial topics in the Judiciary and the BPTO. Roundtable to discuss disclaimers in trademark registrations, the Madrid Protocol, PROSUR, the Intervention of the BPTO in lawsuits, injunctions and others.

Marcelo Leonardo Tavares- Federal Judge - 31st Lower Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro

André Balloussier- Director of Trademarks, Industrial Designers and Geographical Indications - BPTO

Co-Coordinators - José Mauro Decousseau Machado- Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Coordenadora Adjunta - Diana Marques Vieira de Mello- Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello

2:00 pm

Intellectual Propoerty and Sports
Sponsorship agreements: practical and controversial aspects

Angelica Heringer- Legal Director - Chime Sports Marketing (CSM) Brasil

Vitor Butruce- BMA - Barbosa Müssnich Aragão

Debater - Regina Sampaio- Legal Manager - Brazilian Football Confederation - CBF

Moderator - José Eduardo de Vasconcellos Pieri- BMA - Barbosa Müssnich Aragão

Moderator - Gustavo Piva Luiz de Andrade- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Gustavo Piva Luiz de Andrade- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Co-Coordinators - José Eduardo de Vasconcellos Pieri- BMA - Barbosa Müssnich Aragão

Co-Coordenadora - Regina Sampaio- Legal Manager - Brazilian Football Confederation - CBF

2:00 pm

Repression of Infringements
Challenges and solutions to face Internet piracy: discussions about the civil liability

Daniel Ackerman- General Consulate of the United States of America

Guilherme Magalhães Martins- Public Prosecutor of the Capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Gustavo Cesário- Researcher and PhD student at FGV / EBAPE - the Brazilian School of Business and Public Administration

Co-Coordinators - Igor Donato de Araujo- David do Nascimento

Co-Coordinators - Felipe Rocha- Rocha Barbosa Propriedade Intelectual

2:00 pm

Industrial Design
Current situation of industrial designs in the BPTO

Carlos Mauricio Pires e Albuquerque Ardissone- General Coordination of Appeals and Administrative Nullity Procedures (CGREC) - BPTO

Matheus Mariani de Souza- Information Technology Board - DITEC - BPTO

Co-Coordinators - Saulo Murari Calazans- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Ana Paula Celidonio- Gusmão & Labrunie Propriedade Intelectual

Assistant Coordinator - Alexandre Fukuda Yamashita- Müller, Mazzonetto Sociedade de Advogados

2:00 pm

Current scenario and perspectives after Joint Ordinance 01/2017 of BPTO and ANVISA (National Sanitary Surveillance Agency)

Liane Lage- Patent Commissioner – BPTO

Co-Coordenadora - Leonor Galvão- Magellan Propriedade Intelectual

Co-Coordenadora - Viviane Yumy Mitsuuchi Kunisawa- Syngenta

Assistant Coordinator - Gabriela Neves Salerno- Montaury Pimenta Machado Vieira de Mello Advogados

4:00 pm

International Intellectual Property Law
The Biodiversity Law in the light of International treaties

Nádia de Araújo- Nadia de Araujo Advogados

Co-Coordinators - André Ferreira- Oliveira Daniel Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Marcos Bressan Videira- Zancaner Costa Bastos e Spiewak Advogados

Assistant Coordinator - Aline Ferreira da Silva- Kasznar Leonardos Propriedade Intelectual

4:00 pm

Copyrights and Personality Rights
Analysis of Bill 3.133 / 2012 by deputy Jandira Feghali, which amends the Brazilian Copyright Law: potential impacts to the creative industry

Andressa Pappas- Director of Governamment Relations - Motion Pictures Association - Brazil

Co-Coordinators - Attilio Gorini- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Ygor Valério- Motion Picture Association

4:00 pm

Recent initiatives for improvements in the processing of patent applications

Julio Cesar Castelo Branco Reis Moreira- Patents Director - BPTO

Co-Coordinators - Ana Cristina Almeida Müller- BMA Barbosa Müssnich Aragão

Co-Coordinators - Ana Cláudia Mamede Carneiro- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

4:00 pm

Plant Varieties
The importance of the use of molecular tools in the identification of plant varieties.

Cesar Bonine- Fibria Celulose S/A

Co-Coordinators - Marisa Moura Momoli- Di Blasi, Parente & Associado

Co-Coordinators - Priscila Mayumi Kashiwabara- Kasznar Leonardos Propriedade Intelectual

Assistant Coordinator - Camila Garcindo Dayrell Garrote- Demarest Advogados

4:00 pm

Dispute Resolution
Franchise and its conflicts: good practices and ideas to design the best resolution

Waldemar Deccache- Prosecutor

Mariana Padula Fonseca- Somos Educação

Co-Coordinators - Tatiana Campello- Demarest Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Nathalia Mazzonetto- Müller, Mazzonetto Sociedade de Advogados

10:00 am

Software Computing and Internet
Digital Law Workshop in partnership with ITS Rio

Digital rights workshop in partnership with ITS Rio

Round Table 1: Data Protection Overview of Big Data Usage and User Vulnerabilities
- Filipe Fonteles Cabral -Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Legislative progress with the Data Privacy Bill
-Caio Cesar Carvalho Lima - Opice Blum Advogados
Facilitator: Fabio Pereira -Veirano Advogados
Debater: Carlos Affonso - Director of ITS Rio

Round Table 2: Algorithms:
Legal protection of algorithms
- Dirceu Santa Rosa -Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello Advogados

Impact of algorithms on everyday decisions
Sergio Branco- Director of ITS Rio
Facilitator: Fabio Pereira -Veirano Advogados

Wrap up: Marianna Furtado -Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Marianna Furtado de Mendonça- Montaury Pimenta Machado Vieira de Mello

Co-Coordinators - Fabio Pereira- Veirano Advogados

Assistant Coordinator - Caio Carvalho- Opice Blum Advogados

11:00 am

Geographical Indications
Business’ structure after geographical indication issue

Ludimila Gaspar- Head of Agricultural Support Section | Agricultural Federal Tax Auditor

Hulda Oliveira Giesbrecht- UAIT - Access to Innovation and Technology Unit | Sebrae

Co-Coordinators - Luiz Eduardo Cardoso Queiroz- De Lima Assafim & Advogados Associados

Co-Coordinators - Patricia Franco- Provedel Advogados

11:00 am

Competition Law
Regulated markets and new technologies: the VoiceIP case

Luiz Alonso Gonçalves Neto- Regulatory Impact - Regulatory Board - OI

Walter Ceneviva- Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicações

Co-Coordinators - Felipe Oquendo- Di Blasi, Parente & Associados

Co-Coordinators - Daniel Adensohn de Souza- Ricci Propriedade Intelectual

Co-Coordinators - Julia Davet Pazos- Demarest Advogados

11:00 am

Technology Transfer and Franchising
Impacts of Normative Act 70/2017 on the registration of technology transfer agreements at the BPTO

Fabiano Barreto- Confederação Nacional da indústria - CNI

Dirceu Teruya- BPTO

Co-Coordinators - Cândida Caffé- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

Co-Coordinators - Karina Muller- Müller, Mazzonetto Sociedade de Advogados

Assistant Coordinator - Flavia Rebello- Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados

5:30 pm


5:30 pm


Speaker - William Waack- Journalist

7:00 pm


09:00 am at 10:30 am

IP and business: how patents competition, technology and finance merge

Abstract: Innovation and entrepreneurship are key elements in maintaining and even increasing competitiveness particularly in scenarios of economic instability. But how to ensure that the results of innovation processes and the protection of their intellectual property are in fact included in the strategic planning of institutions and companies? Business representatives and an expert in the economic area will discuss the key issues and challenges related to the identification and application of IP assets in business process management.

José Carlos Pinto- Executive Director of the Technology Park of UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Cesar Bonine- IP and Regulatory Affairs Manager - Fibria Celulose

Istvan Kasznar- Getulio Vargas Foundation

Moderator - Maria Carmen S. Brito- President - ABPI

09:00 am at 10:30 am


11:00 am at 12:30 am

IP insertion in the current political and economic international configuration

Abstract: The current international IP system, based on the WTO that by means of the TRIPS Agreement created an international trade relationship on IP, is undergoing a weakening moment of multilateralism. We can already envisage, notably in the North American political context, a movement towards international bilateralism in which IP has gone from aspect to cornerstone. In this context, promoting the development in the field of IP and strengthening international relations by achieving common goals throughout the international community beyond the WTO becomes increasingly relevant not only to remunerate authors, inventors and other IP rights holders, but to foster the global economy, which is increasingly based on the trade of intangible assets.

Ygor Valerio- Motion Picture Latin America

Angelica Garcia- United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office - UKIPO

Evelyn Montellano- Senior Legal Counsel - FMC Technologies

Luiz Henrique do Amaral- Dannemann Siensen Advogados

Moderator - Benny Spiewak- Zancaner, Costa, Bastos e Spiewak Advogados

12:30 am at 2:00 pm


2:30 pm at 4:30 pm

IP in a world of change: Europe and Brexit; United States and its exit from the TPP: where does IP protection come in?

Abstract: Brazil and the World have been facing economic, political and social changes with a huge impact in our day-to-day lives. A wellestablished institution today may be old news tomorrow. A surprising exit of Britain from the European Union; the announcement by the new government of USA about its withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) less than one year after it was signed: how to develop an intellectual property international management strategy with so many changes? What should companies and IP practitioners do?

Cristina A. Carvalho- Arent Fox LLP

Ari Laakkonen- Powell Gilbert LLP

Jonathan Clegg- Cleveland Scott York

Peter Schechter- Osha Liang LLP

Moderator - Marcio Merkl- Abreu, Merkl e Advogados Associados

2:30 pm at 4:30 pm

Trademarks in the digital world – challenges regarding trademark search and protection in the immediate content generation

Abstract: The panel will discuss the challenges and measures proposed for the protection of distinctive signs in social media, e-commerce websites and different business environments in the digital world. Conflict reports and case studies will be addressed in the debate.

Virginia Cervieri- Cervieri Mnosuárez & Asociados

Carlos Augusto Thomaz- Ceditec - UFRJ

Antonio Murta- Murta Goyanes Advogados

Moderator - Luis Fernando Matos- Matos e Associados Advogados

2:30 pm at 4:30 pm

New perspectives of IP in the art market: copyright and contemporary art

Abstract: Contemporary art has brought new meanings to the concepts of authorship, work and originality, imposing important challenges for intellectual property professionals. Artists make use of appropriations, borrowings, and quotations for the making of their works; Request the participation of the public or delegate the execution of the work. These creative processes, already incorporated in the history of art, are still misunderstood by the traditional discourse concerning copyrights. Therefore, legal issues arise, such as in the case of graffiti or spray-painting. Is it possible to protect, by copyright, a work that is the product of a conduct which is classified as a crime? How to obtain the authorization to reproduce the work if the authorship is anonymous? In the midst of this scenario new perspectives arise in the legal area for the advising of artists, collectors, publishers, galleries, museums and heirs.

Marcelo Miguel Conrado- Adjunct Professor of Law - Legal Practice Center - Federal University of Paraná

Gustavo Martins de Almeida- GMA - Gustavo Martins de Almeida Advogados

Moderator - Álvaro Piquet Pessôa- PPMKF | Advogados Pessoa, Piquet, Mourão, Kohler & Figueiredo

José Bechara- Visual Artist

2:30 pm at 4:30 pm

The new Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure – analysis of controversial issues that directly affect actions in the IP area after its implementation

Abstract: The panel will address the following topics: procedural conventions, with practical examples from the IP area; the changes regarding interim protection; and the procedure for anticipated production of evidence.

Antonio do Passo Cabral- Federal Prosecutor - Emeritus Professor at EMERJ - Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistrates

Alexandre Antônio Franco Freitas Câmara- High Court Judge - Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro

Marco Antonio dos Santos Rodrigues- State Attorney

Moderator - Marcelo Mazzola- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

4:30 pm at 5:00 pm


5:00 pm at 7:00 pm

Domain name – dispute resolution by the Administrative System of Internet Disputes (SACI), mediation or arbitration

Abstract: This panel will discuss the historical evolution of dispute resolution systems involving domain names since the creation of the Uniform Domain Name Policy (UDRP), later implementation of the Administrative System of Internet Disputes (SACI) until the adoption of alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and arbitration. The purpose of the panel will be to discuss the main features, advantages and disadvantages of each system with respect to conflicts involving domain names.

Kelli Angelini-

Tatiana Campello- Demarest Advogados

Marcelo Dias Gonçalves Vilela- Portugal Vilela Almeida Behrens Direito de Negócios

Moderator - Maria Cristina Machado Cortez- Director of the Dispute Resolution Domain Name Chamber (CASD-ND) of ABPI

5:00 pm at 7:00 pm

Peremption|limitation of an administrative nullity act

Abstract: The panel aims to discuss a very controversial procedural issue regarding the possibility of judicial review of administrative acts after a certain time period has elapsed.

Gabriel Leonardos- Kasznar Leonardos Propriedade Intelectual

Eduardo André Brandão de Brito Fernandes- Federal Judge

Ronaldo Cramer- Nunes Ferreira, Vianna Araújo, Cramer, Duarte advogados

Moderator - Alberto Luis Camelier- Camelier Advogado Associados

5:00 pm at 7:00 pm

The socioeconomic impact of the delay in the prosecution of patent applications
Abstract: Proactive management and protection of innovations is a fundamental tool for a country’s economic growth. For this reason, industrial property offices, both in Brazil and in other countries, need to implement efficient management routines, including committed efforts to reduce backlog. The panel will discuss, from business and academic points of view, the socioeconomic impact generated by delays in processing patent applications, with insights from the panel members’ practical experience in the national and international context.

Eneida Elias Berbare- Braskem

Patricia Franco Leal Gestic- Inova Unicamp

Matthew Dick- D Young & Co LLP

Moderator - Ana Cristina Almeida Müller- BMA – Barbosa Müssnich Aragão

5:00 pm at 7:00 pm

Regulatory agencies: rules that interfere with the acquisition and enforcement of IP rights

Abstract: The panel will address the relationship between the regulatory agencies and industrial property law, examining how they articulate under the auspices of the modern management-consensual public administration. For that end, it will discuss the importance of an institutional dialogue between them and the BPTO, as well as other administrative departments, to achieve a stable and loyal business environment conducive to the development of the formal national industry.

Mauro Maia- Executive Director - BPTO

José Vicente Santos de Mendonça- José Vicente Santos de Mendonça Advogados Associados

Pedro Mansur- Brazilian Tabacco Industry Association - ABIFUMO

Moderator - Rodrigo A. de Ouro Preto Santos- Ouro Preto Advogados

7:30 pm at 10:00 pm

Grand Hyatt - Av. Lúcio Costa, 9600 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Buses will depart at 7.30pm from Windsor Barra´s lobby.

09:00 pm at 10:30 pm

Non traditional trademarks: questions relating to the protection of three-dimensional marks in the 3D printing era

Abstract: With the eminent popularization of 3D printer technology, which is gradually reaching the general public, a “revolution” is expected in our means of consumption. We shall no longer be passive consumers and start creating, and even “editing”, some of the products we use. At the same time, this technology, when applied incorrectly, may allow the unauthorized reproduction of toys, spare parts and even goods subject to protection through industrial design or other forms of intellectual property. This panel intends to discuss the ethical and legal issues of 3D printing, and how the ease of producing, modelling and sharing “objects” will be equalized with the necessary protection of intellectual property rights.

André Luis Balloussier Ancora da Luz- Director of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Insications - BPTO

David Postolski- Gearhart Law LLC

Diego Palacio- Palacio & Associados

Moderator - Ricardo Vieira de Mello- Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello Advogados

09:00 pm at 10:30 pm

Industrial Designs: Where we are and Where we are going in Relation to its Protection and the Production of Spare Parts in the Automobile Industry

Abstract: Although the Industrial Property Law does not prohibit the protection of automotive spare parts through industrial design registrations, provided they are intended to protect spare parts aesthetic aspect, there is an understanding in CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense) and through some judicial decisions that such protection violates the constitutional principles of the economic order. The present panel will seek to elucidate all aspects of this impasse by attempting to predict the future scenario of protection of spare parts through industrial design registrations.

Marcio de Lima Leite- FIAT

João Luis Garcia- Simões, Garcia, Corte-Real & Associados

Moderator - Ricardo Cardoso Costa Boclin- Kasznar Leonardos Propriedade Intelectual

09:00 pm at 10:30 pm

Computerimplemented Inventions, topographies and integrated circuits: challenges to protect against different legislation and standards in each country

Abstract: This panel aims to address the current role of software in the digital transformation world, the significant changes traversed by IT/Software industries and their impact on the patent systems future. From this overview, the speakers will present the evolution of the software implemented inventions protection in Brazil and in Mexico, pointing the advances and challenges of these two countries before their local legal framework and the current global practices.

Osvaldo Amaral- Breakthrough IP Intelligence

Matheus Souza Pinto Engel- BPTO

Monica Ailt- INTEL

Moderator - Gabriela Pinto Muniz Valerio- Microsoft

09:00 pm at 10:30 pm

IP portfolio management: how to effectively seize Intellectual Property rights

Abstract: This panel will present practical experiences of standard and management policies of intangible assets portfolios, opportunities and cost control in companies. It will be debated how to deal with the choice, registration and defense of trademarks and other signs, and also the strategy of protection and defense of patents, inventions, projects, designs and confidential information.

Darin Gibby- Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Marcos Chucralla Moherdaui Blasi- Legal Manager of Innovation, Intellectual Property and Strategic Contracts of B3 S.A. - Brazil, Stock Market, Over-the-Counter Market

Adriana Claudia de Moura- Head de IP - BASF S/A

Moderator - Jacques Labrunie- Gusmão & Labrunie Propriedade Intelectual

10:30 pm at 11:00 pm


11:00 pm at 12:30 pm

Downloading, streaming and other virtual technologies: recent court decisions and their Impacts

Abstract: In the beginning of the year, in a majority decision, the Superior Court of Justice – STJ issued a decision which determined that the streaming services must collect copyrights for the performance of music. The panel will discuss the details of the decision, raising its positive and negative aspects in the form of a debate.

Ana Fonseca- Universal Music

Fabio Luiz Barboza Pereira- Veirano Advogados

Sydney Sanches- Sanches e Advogados Associados

Moderator - Attilio Gorini- Dannemann Siemsen Advogados

11:00 pm at 12:30 pm

Recent IP protection developments in Biotechnology innovations in the agricultural sector

Abstract: The speakers will provide a brief introduction to the Brazilian legal framework for the protection of innovations in the agricultural field and how the protection mechanisms existing in Brazil diverge from the protection existing in other countries, particularly in the USA and Europe. There will also be examples of how intellectual property holders have circumvented the current limitations to the protection of biotechnological innovations. Finally, the speakers will discuss what challenges the biotechnological innovations of the 21st century, such as CRISPR technology, will bring to the protection of intellectual property.

Tamara Cypriani de Oliveira- Monsanto do Brasil

Filipe Teixeira- Syngenta

Matthew J. McBride- Science IP®

Moderator - Leonor Magalhães Galvão- Magellan IP – Propriedade Intelectual

11:00 pm at 12:30 pm

IP education: initiatives to disseminate IP knowledge and awareness of its importance

Abstract: The global economic trend, greatly influenced by the development of science and technology and aimed at encouraging individual creativity, has made IP an increasingly important and decisive factor in the global competition for competitive advantage. It is therefore imperative to disseminate the understanding of IP rights in order to stimulate innovation, creativity and competitiveness in all sectors of economic production. The purpose of this panel is to discuss ways to raise public awareness of IP rights, especially among developing countries, to make them more aware of IP’s contribution to growth.

Kone Prieto Furtunato Cesário- Vice Director and Doctor Professor - National Law School - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Juan Vanrell- Coordinator of the Education Program – ASIPI – Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property - Vanrell IP Uruguay

Marcelo de Oliveira Müller- Mclaw-Müller, Cid, Noronha, Cruz & Gorenstein

Moderator - Antonio Carlos Siqueira da Silva- Legal Counsel - ABIHPEC - The Brazilian Association of Hygiene, Perfume and Cosmetics Industries

11:00 pm at 12:30 pm

IP and vertical restraints on competition in online platforms

Abstract: The Internet and new technologies have changed the legal and social dynamics in a global way, and one of the areas that has been deeply affected is Intellectual Property. Indeed, large Internet companies have a robust portfolio of intangible assets and do not hesitate to maintain their margin in the virtual market through new acquisitions of assets of this nature. How is the competition structured and what are its restrictions when it is held in a predominantly virtual environment, with consequences for consumers and for the market? How to deal with the limits of competition involving intellectual property rights and the rules regarding competition and the performance of regulatory agencies? These are the questions that will guide the panel and the debates to be held.

Ana Frazão- Gustavo Tepedino Advogados

Pedro Paulo Salles Cristóforo- Lobo & Ibeas Advogados

Alessandro Octaviani- USP - University of São Paulo

Moderator - Paulo Parente Marques Mendes- Di Blasi, Parente & Associados

12:30 àpm at 2:30 pm


2:30 pm at 4:00 pm

Patent and trademark examinations: the experience of work sharing among IP offices

Abstract: This plenary will address the collaboration among IP offices in their work of examining patents and trademark applications. The speakers will report and comment experiences of search and examination work sharing, and their impact on examination productivity and quality. Considering the major objective of improving efficiency by means of avoiding replication of work in the examination of patents, the panel will discuss the challenges in the path to deepen cooperation among national patent offices and the benefits of associating into regional or transnational structures, as the Vancouver Group (UK, Canada, and Australia) and Pro-Sur (South American countries, now expanding to other Latin American countries).

Luiz Otavio Pimentel- President - BPTO

Maria del Pilar Troncoso- President - ASIPI – Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property

Laura Hammel- IP Attaché for Mercosur, Guianas, and Suriname - U.S. General Consulate

Yoshiaki Kodachi- Director of the Examination Policy Planning Office, Administrative Affairs Division - Japan Patent Office

Moderator - Jorge Avila- Qualcomm

4:00 pm at 4:30 pm


4:30 pm at 6:00 pm

Legislative initiatives to enhance IP protection: relevant bills of rights and their impacts

Abstract: This plenary intends to discuss several proposed Bills of Rights and Resolutions from the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office, seeking better results on the Intellectual Property environment in Brazil, especially the ones focused on the reduction on the current backlog of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office in relation to Trademark and Patent applications. This matter is of great importance to all interested players in the Intellectual Property system in Brazil, and this discussion will certainly enable an interesting debate among participants.

Júlio César Castelo Branco Reis Moreira- Director of Patents, Computer Programs and Topographiesof Integrated Circuits – BPTO

Eduardo Ribeiro Augusto- FNCP (National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality) Adviser end President of the Anti-Piracy Comission of OAB/SP - Brazilian Bar Association of São Paulo

Daniel R. Pinto- Head of IP Division - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Moderator - Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta- Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello Advogados

6:00 pm at 6:30 pm