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Committee Workshop - Industrial Design What s new in the BPTO s industrial design manual and its impact on the exam |
Committee Workshop - Cultivars Reflections on the challenges of protecting Cannabis cultivars: the Canadian experience |
Committee Workshop - Biotechnology Discussion on new biotech patent examination guidelines - updates and relevant issues |
Committee Workshop - Technology Transfer and Franchising Corporate Operations involving Franchise and Licensing Networks - impacts of CADE s (Administrative Council of Economic Defense) recent decision |
Committee Workshop - Software, Computer and Internet Privacy and Data Protection Policies - What can we learn from the experience of implementing GDPR in companies in Brazil? |
Committee Workshop - Copyright and Personality Rights New European Copyright Directive |
Committee Workshop - Competition Law Competitive aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation |
Committee Workshop - Patents Update of patent application procedures and future expectations |
Committee Workshop - Intellectual Property’s Law in Sport Matters Image Rights of Athletes - Relevant labor and tax aspects |
Committee Workshop - Intellectual Property’s International Law and Geographical Indications The role of counselors and attachés of intellectual property in international cooperation with Brazil |
Committee Workshop - Trademarks What to expect from the BPTO: Associations’ Round Table on Multiclass Public Consultations, Co-ownership, Registry Division, and the Madrid Protocol |
Committee Workshop - Dispute Resolution and Repression on Infractions Removal of illegal products from the Internet, taking into account 5 years of the Marco Civil (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet) |
Sessão de Abertura - Project of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro for the Civil Chambers Specialization |
Opening Session - Intellectual Property in Brazil s Foreign Policy and Economy |
Opening Lecture - Intellectual property in the new geopolitical context |
Plenary I - The BPTO today and tomorrow: governance plan for the next 4 years |
Plenary II - Artificial Intelligence: The New Gold Rush |
Lecture lunch - MADRID PROTOCOL - Practical Aspects and Procedures of the BPTO |
Panel 1 - Protection and Regulation of the Legal Use of Cannabis - Impact and Opportunities in relation to IP |
Panel 2 - From the test tube to the shelf: the pharmaceutical industry saga |
Panel 3 - Newbie or noob? NP. Get to know the world and the epic numbers of the gaming industry |
Panel 4 - Infringement of intellectual property in the State Judiciary: punitive and indemnification tendencies |
Panel 5 - Contemporary Themes on Industrial Designs: protection of dynamic graphic interfaces and the partial protection of objects |
Panel 6 - Trade Dress Protection Strategies |
Panel 7 - Intellectual Property in the Federal Judiciary: Controversial Issues |
Panel 8 - Patents: technological trends and examination paradigms |
Panel 9 - Madrid Protocol: The International Experience |
Panel 10 - Intellectual Property Litigation Abroad: Tips for Successful Strategies |
Panel 11 - Cancellation and proof of effective use of trademarks: what has changed? |
Panel 12 - Protection of confidential data in regulatory processes |
Lecture lunch - Trademark public policies to safeguard free competition: the experience of vaporizers and heated tobacco products and its impact for other industries |
Good business practices workshops - Countdown to the General Data Protection Law: workshop for DPOs and legal advisors |
Good business practices workshops - Compliance: How to implement corporate integrity projects and anti-corruption policies |
Good business practices workshops - Negotiation Techniques |
Confraternization Dinner - 1 |
Confraternization Dinner - 2 |